Monday 11 January 2016


Im Ashley ive been a type 1 diabetic for almost 14 years.

 I moved away from home for almost 3 years during those 3 years i was on a very unhealthy diet and wasn't controlling my sugars i gained a lot of weight during that time. When i moved away i was around 120 pounds 3 years later im at 150. Im not happy at all with the way i look and ive decided to do something about it before i gain anymore weight.

 Im going on a full vegan diet im going to be posting my days including workouts and meals ill post the recipes for each meal. I have an Instagram ill be posting on also: vegan_diabetic there ill be posting pictures explaining what im eating and how many carbs. I just want to blog and post in hope that i can help other diabetics in my shoes that can trouble losing weight. If you have any questions feel free to email me. Thank you for viewing.

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