Tuesday 12 January 2016

Day 2

Breakfast: I had a banana smoothie with chocolate protein powder and almond milk! This smoothie has no carbs! My sugar was 7.8

Snack: For my snack i had zucchini chips! Its SUPER easy to make and again has no carbs!

Exercise: I had 45 minutes of yoga! just to clear my mind. I will also be doing day 2 of insanity today.

Lunch: I had a quinoa kale vegetable soup! with some of the vegetables from my dinner last night on the side, i added more food so i would have more energy during my day 2 insanity workout.I had a mug of green tea and a glass of water with my meal. my blood sugar was 6.5 and i put in 20 carbs for this meal.

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